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Saturday 21 November 2009

Banksy? Does it Matter if You Can't Put a Face to the Name?


Of course the first question comes to mind is who is Banksy? Many speculations have been made, and some of them may be true. It is believed his name is Robin or Robert born in 74 or 75 one thing which is known is that he was born in Bristol. One thing which is absolutely certain is that Banksy's art work is original, fresh, and hard cutting.

Bansky's skills are amazing whether or not you see it as graffiti or art. Personally I see it as art. This is art for the people, not just art for the rich or the well off, or the people
who can afford portraits for themselves, but for the masses. The pieces stand out from anything else I love the way he uses graphic almost comic strip way of working.

In many of his works he shows modern city warfare with the most innocent characters integrated for instance Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz in the most top image, and a little boy in the image straight above. The story theses pictures tell are so relevant and hard hitting. This is modern art not in old buildings but on the outside of them.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Bath Towel? //Peyton

At the moment I'm doing Artist Research for College so I'm going to share with you some of the ones I'm picking out feel free to share or recommend artists would be appreciated!

Elizabeth Peyton

At the moment I'm just loving Peyton's work. I love the way she encaptivates the later twentieth and twenty-first century. Her work is modern and fun, very Warhol meets Hockney, though I realize I'm not the first to say this. Her works are very vivid and bold yet having skillful intricacy.

Love the pictures of Meg White (above), David Bowie, Chloe, Georgia O'Keeffe; the first two are most likely influenced by my taste in music but then her picture of Michelle Obama I also like and I'm not a big Obama fan.

The Bath Towel

This is one of the drawings that I liked the most out of Peyton's work. Thinking this was one of her drawings for exhibition I, at the best of my abilities, tried to replicate this drawing, but I quickly found out this is indeed her design for a bath towel. You too could be drying yourself on what I believe to be an Elizabeth Peyton sketch of Sid Vicious, pretty strange, right? But never the less why not? It's a great bit of work wherever you put it.